馬英九 被 Economist 點名 。。。。。。Ma the bumbler!?
在香港 也有位 高層被 The Telegraph《每日電訊報》點名 Seven dumb things said by Hong Kong's leader CY Leung,香港居民應該與有榮焉!
【The Telegraph】Seven dumb things said by Hong Kong's leader CY Leung
Six years later, Mr Leung runs a successful campaign for Hong Kong’s chief executive, or mayor.
Firmly in denial as protests raged around him this year
On how Hong Kong should stop protesting and be more mild in the Chinese Year of the Sheep
CY Leung’s eldest son studied at Cambridge and is now at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden. He has one daughter at LSE and one at Cambridge
A solution to the crippling lack of opportunity for young Hong Kongers at home
In his own defence after being accused of bullying a small student magazine.
On the dangers of democracy: it gives the vote to poor people.
As Hong Kong’s leader, CY Leung, celebrates Chinese New Year by telling Hong Kongers to stop protesting and “be more like sheep”, we (the Telegraph)round up some of the other gaffes that have made him Hong Kong’s least popular leader since its return to China in 1997.
自 1997 董建華 之後,繼而是 曾蔭權 ,如今得到 一個 思歪 梁振英,三人都是奇葩,香港人乎復何求!?
【明報專訊】英國《每日電訊報》在中國人慶祝新春之際,整理了香港特首梁振英的「失言錄」,近至梁振英日前的羊年祝願,遠至 23年前的一番話。
每日電訊報以圖輯形式摘錄了梁振英過往 7次「愚蠢」言論,指梁振英的失言令他成為香港自 1997年回歸以來最不受歡迎的領袖。
1. 2014年 10月,梁振英接受《紐約時報》、《華爾街日報》和《金融時報》3間國際傳媒訪問時提到,提名委員會中的廣泛代表性不是指人數,強調提委會要兼顧社會各階層的利益,說若只計人數,「好明顯你(未來特首)面向的會是月入少過 1800美元(約14,000港元)的半數港人」,令政策傾斜(if it's entirely a numbers game and numeric representation, then obviously you would be talking to half of the people in Hong Kong who earn less than $1,800 a month)。
2. 2015年 1月 15日,梁振英出席施政報告立法會答問大會,回應他在報告中批評香港大學學生會刊物《學苑》是搞批鬥的批評時說,香港是言論由由的社會,任何人有提意見的自由,包括有人提出意見後再提出自己看法的自由,這不是批鬥。
3. 2014年 12月 7日,針對香港缺乏足夠機會給年輕人,梁振英呼籲香港青年人,「離開香港,開發多些符合自己興趣和能力的機會」。
4. 1992年,梁振英接受雜誌訪問,談及教育問題,當時他說,「我絕不會把孩子送去外國(讀書),這是一個錯誤的做法。」不過,許多年後,他的三名子女分別在英美著名大學讀書及畢業。
5. 2015年 2月 18日,梁振英發表羊年賀辭,說「羊給人的感覺是溫馴、和善的群體動物」,「我希望在新的一年,大家都能夠有羊的特質,包容共濟」。
6. 2014年 10月 11日,在佔中形勢熾熱之際,梁振英表明不會辭職,認為自己下台不能解決事件。
7. 1996年,梁振英談到有人問他會不會做行政長官時,他說,「答案係唔做,你問三、四次,N屆的答案都一樣的」。
回顧經由中央挑選的三位特首,董建華 先有《建華之亂》凡七年多之久,最後 大懵懂 自己腳痛要求辭職。不過近日高調出來論證,力撐 思歪 的《施政報告》,又成立智庫「團結香港基金」。
港澳辦捧了公務員出身的 曾蔭權 爵士 Knighted by United Kingdom 做特首,結果推銷員只求做好呢份工,臨尾更爆出貪小便宜,浪費公帑作私人的豪華享受(衰收尾!),被稱為 貪曾 並且在近日 “廉記” 調查完畢,律政司是否有動作呢?近日見報 曾蔭權 苦埋口面。
最最最後中央終於改為相信,梁振英 說自己沒有僭建兼且民望較高,這一念之差寧棄一手培養多年的準特首:唐豬,反而支持鷹狼 梁振英 當選候任特首,但還未上任 梁振英 就爆出僭建醜聞,比唐豬的也不遑多讓,自上任以來誠信備受質疑。
若果 2017年 梁振英 不能獲得連任,這是將會前所未有的新歷史,董建華 和 曾蔭權 好好醜醜都曾經連任過,2012年經由中央最後時刻欽點,選舉委員會小圈子心領神會棄唐豬捧英狼,而選出來的 梁振英 CY 思歪凉。
若不能給予 梁振英 連任,最無面子的恐怕不只是 梁振英 本人,而是遠在:幽州、薊縣、從河北省規劃出來的北京直轄市,中南海國務院辦工室內的袞袞諸公,和中國共產黨中央領導人,恐拍也感到面目無光吧!
如今 831後三度大閘,政府不斷宣傳 “袋著先”,立法會中泛民至今仍然口硬要 “否決”,不過 有五票是有機會轉軚的。梁家騮(醫學界) 一向是歸入建制派,雖然之前高調發表報告,說根據界別調查不接受 831框架,當時他這一票會是否決票,那末到投票時業界要贊成,即是他沒有立場他到時便會轉軚。
在泛民陣營中上有幾位可能轉軚:湯家驊、馮檢基、李國麟 及 梁繼昌 都很大機會會轉軚,另外加上因為拉布令到 “創科局” 墮馬,資訊科技界議員 莫乃光 對此頗有微言,並且在業界受到壓力,到時 莫乃光 轉軚支持 “袋著先” 也不出奇。
否決 or 袋著先 看來下屆特首都是 梁振英 必然候選人,就算 Seven dumb things said by Hong Kong's leader CY Leung X2 X3 加倍,特首職位 梁振英 囊中之物。受到 The Telegraph 特別關顧,香港領導人絕不落後於台灣,香港人應改與有榮焉!
寫完文字未及登出,剛剛讀到 鬍鬚曾 在立法會朗誦有加了 “飲水位” 的 《2015 財政預算》,在結語:香港新一代在物質生活以外,更加「渴望心中富有」。竟然與 嗜悲 其中不久前一篇舊文大致類同:香港社會普遍超越小康,大部份港人但求溫飽人生安全之外,已經進入更高的另一階段,即是人要活得有尊嚴。
當然財爺有文膽為他潤筆:“渴望心中富有!” 比 愚弟 寫的有文采更富於想像力。
明報新聞網比較了 特首 和 財爺 先後發表《施政報告》and 《財政預算》respectively,一剛一柔、一硬一軟、一個做黑面一個做白面。
《明報》:渴望心中富有 vs 是其是非其非 財爺特首談新一代 招比較
「渴望心中富有」一句,令不少人聯想起 1980年代徐小鳳金曲《隨想曲》的歌詞——「渴望是心中富有,名和利不刻意追求;請收起溫馨的愛意,留在心中好像醇的酒」。
不過在 25日晚上 7-8p.m. 財政預算案 六大電視台記者論壇(已包含連結),CCTVB 的 記者指出 梁振英 也曾負极英國,鬍鬚曾含糊以對側側膊冇答到,主持人也轉到另一位記者提問!
鬍鬚曾 是 曾蔭權的入室弟子,在喇沙初中畢業負美國讀高中,畢業於麻省理工哈佛大學,後來才返港加入港英政府。與 梁振英 的背景略有不同,思歪 英皇書院畢業後入工專(即理工大學前身)讀測量文憑,再赴英國布里斯托理工學院進修,返港任仲量行人測量師,是香港回歸後第一位特首 董建華 的 愛將。
梁曾二人皆是戰後出生的一批 Babyboom 嬰兒潮,這一代的香港人入讀港英時代的英文學校懂英文,也即是 嗜悲 時常所謂 戰後香港的第一代勝目仔勝目女也,怎會 “目標不一致” 呢?!
突然坊間傳出普選特首由 曾俊華 去馬,會比 梁振英 被接受機會高一些。這是美麗的誤會,曾俊華 何嘗也不是一個官,官有官威官僚架子當然官字兩個口,今日的我可以除隨時打到昨日的我!
Ma the bumbler ~~ The Economist
【Economist】WHEN he was first elected in 2008, Taiwan’s president, Ma Ying-jeou, offered Taiwanese high hopes that the island’s economy would open a new chapter. He promised ground-breaking agreements with China to help end Taiwan’s growing economic marginalisation.
At the time, Mr Ma’s image was of a clean technocrat able to rise above the cronyism and infighting of his party, the Kuomintang (KMT). He was a welcome contrast to his fiery and pro-independence predecessor, Chen Shui-bian, now in jail for corruption.
Five years on, and despite being handily re-elected ten months ago, much has changed. In particular, popular satisfaction with Mr Ma has plummeted, to a record low of 13%, according to the TVBS Poll Centre. The country appears to agree on one thing: Mr Ma is an ineffectual bumbler.
Ordinary people do not find their livelihoods improving. Salaries have stagnated for a decade. The most visible impact of more open ties with China, which include a free-trade agreement, has been property speculation in anticipation of a flood of mainland money.
Housing in former working-class areas on the edge of Taipei, the capital, now costs up to 40 times the average annual wage of $15,400. The number of families below the poverty line has leapt. Labour activists have taken to pelting the presidential office with eggs.
Exports account for 70% of GDP. So some of Taiwan’s problems are down to the dismal state of rich-world economies. Yet Mr Ma’s leadership is also to blame. He has failed to paint a more hopeful future, with sometimes hard measures needed now. Worse, he frequently tweaks policies in response to opposition or media criticism. It suggests indecisiveness.
Public anger first arose in June, when Mr Ma raised the price of government-subsidised electricity. Few Taiwanese understood why, even though Taiwan’s state-owned power company loses billions. In the face of public outrage, Mr Ma postponed a second round of electricity price rises scheduled for December. They will now take place later next year.
People are also worried that a national pension scheme is on course for bankruptcy in less than two decades. Yet Mr Ma cannot bring himself to raise premiums sharply, because of the temporary unpopularity it risks. When Mr Ma does try to appeal to Taiwanese who make up the island’s broad political centre, it often backfires with his party’s core supporters.
Following public grumbles that retired civil servants, teachers and ex-servicemen were a privileged group, the cabinet announced plans to cut more than $300m in year-end bonuses, affecting around 381,000. The trouble was, veterans are among the KMT’s most fervent backers.
Now some threaten to take to the streets in protest and deprive the KMT of their votes until the plan is scrapped. Meanwhile, Mr Ma’s clean image has been sullied by the indictment of the cabinet secretary-general for graft.
Cracks are starting to grow in the KMT façade. Recently Sean Lien, a prominent politician, criticised Mr Ma’s economic policies, saying that any politician in office during this time of sluggish growth was at best a “master of a beggar clan”—implying a country of paupers.
But the next election is four years away, and presidential hopefuls will not try to oust or even outshine Mr Ma anytime soon. After all, they will not want to take responsibility for the country’s economic problems. Nothing suggests Mr Ma’s main policies will change (or that they should), but his credibility is draining by the day.
九合一選舉大敗後 馬英九 急忙辭去 KMT 主席之位,藍營 只有 朱立倫 可提供選擇,不過他在新北市競選時,有言在先他會否食言呢?!
蔡英文 則宣布參加黨內提名競爭,看來綠營之內沒有重量級和蔡英文較量。下一屆的 台灣總統有人說差不多便是 蔡英文 無疑 。。。。。。
不過 嗜悲 過慮,政治 Politics 中最後還有最陰暗的暗殺一招未出,Assassination 可能就是下一屆台灣總統選舉的關鍵一著!
Seven dumb things said by Hong Kong's leader CY Leung telegraph.co.uk
英媒輯錄梁振英七大「蠢論」 明報新聞網
渴望心中富有 vs 是其是非其非 明報新聞網
曾俊華:和特首成長過程不同 明報新聞網
Ma the bumbler Economist.com
曾俊華 2015 財政預算案 Video Webcast 香港電台
我的政治 101.4 又名:鬼唔知阿媽喺女人咩!
我的政治 101.5 又名:鬼唔知阿爸喺男人咩!
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